Bush Lane Piano Serial Number 6,2/10 713 reviews

Why we love to restore Bush & Gerts pianos

Vintage Bush & Gerts pianos were built well and were known for exquisitely carved cases. Some of the most beautiful pianos we have restored were built by Bush & Gerts. While the company only produced pianos from 1884 to 1942, they built a high-quality instrument.

History of Bush & Gerts

Information we have available on the historical brand Bush & Gerts. We have information on many other piano brands as well, both past and current. Cool Piano Stuff.

The Bush & Gerts Piano Company built pianos between the 1880’s up to World War II. Established in 1884, Bush & Gerts built excellent pianos in their Rockford and Chicago factories. Bush & Gerts had a reputation of being built very well, and their earlier models had some beautifully carved cases.

Serial Numbers

1900-22000 1920-62000 1931-72200 1939-73600

1905-33000 1925-70000 1933-72500 1941-74100

1915-55000 1930-72000 1936-72900 1942-75000

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263 Machines and Their Makers: 1916 - 1923

  • by R.J. Wakeman (With Trademark Information Supplied ByAllan Sutton)

For two decades, America's talking machine industry wasdominated by Victor, Columbia, and Edison. As basic patents heldby these three companies began to expire in the World War Iyears, many new companies entered this lucrative field. It was agood time to market phonographs since demand exceeded supply.

Most advertised in the trade journal Talking Machine World(TMW). While reading issues dated August 1916 through the 1920s,I prepared a list of 'off brands.' Not including majorcompanies--Aeolian, Brunswick, Columbia, Edison, Pathe, Sonora,Victor--the list totaled over 260 companies!

Some enjoyed national distribution--examples are Cheney andStarr--whereas others were strictly local in distribution. It wasnot unusual for a furniture, department, piano, or music store tosell phonographs under its own name. To supply these stores, manycabinet manufacturing firms made and sold complete phonographswhile others sold just the cabinets. Motors, reproducers, tonearms, and other hardware could be purchased from a number ofindependent manufacturers. The Otto Heineman Phonograph SupplyCompany was especially important for providing basic parts.

Not every phonograph manufacturer is represented in thefollowing list. I have seen two upright machines of WWI vintagebearing the name Colonial, but no such company advertised in TMW.Some regional companies evidently felt that advertising dollarswould be poorly spent in a national trade publication such asTMW. Heavy advertising in the talking machine industry's leadingtrade publication did not guarantee brisk sales. Delphion paidfor large ads in nearly every issue from late 1916 to 1918, yetonly a handful of Delphion machines are known to exist.

With some 200 phonograph brands on the market, executives ofnew firms undoubtedly had difficulty selecting distinct andmemorable names for their products. Some companies limited theirrange of possibilities by following the trend of adding'-ola' to a prefix.

The Robinola's name no doubt was derived from the robin'sreputation for song. The Harmonola's name was clearly derivedfrom 'harmony.' Surprisingly, no company thought to add'-ola' to 'song' for a company name--thatname is found only in fiction. Fannie Kilbourne wrote adelightful series of 'Will and Dot' short stories whichappeared in American Magazine during the 1920s and wereabout Will and Dot Horton, a young up-to-date couple with smalltwins. The Hortons had neighbors who were making payments ontheir 'Songola.'

Some owners added '-ola' to their names. Forexample, William Tonk called his machine the Tonkola. The machinemade by Sachs and Company was called the Saxola.

Some company owners simply named the machine after themselves--Cheney, Emerson, Heintzman, Wilson, Steger, Crafts, Onken,Weser.

By 1919 most phonograph cabinets were made of veneers. Highquality three- and five-ply veneers were produced and wereexcellent for phonograph cabinets. Mahogany, walnut, oak, birch,and gum were woods most often used, mahogany and oak being themost popular. Spruce was the most favored wood for internalhorns. Because of its evenly proportioned grain, spruce wasconsidered to provide an ideal sound chamber. Norway pine,hemlock, balsam fir, and white pine were also used.

Several firms made wicker cabinets though these were notcommon. These were considered the best cabinets for use outdoors.The Lakeside Supply Company's 'Art-Kraft Luxfibre' casesold for $200 to $300, depending on finish and hardware.

Most tone arms sold by independent manufacturers were of the'universal' type which held reproducers that could beturned and positioned to play either lateral or vertical shellacrecords. The tone arms varied in size and shape, but most werecomposed of two or more sections and were not truly tapered indesign since that would violate the tapered tone arm patent ownedby the Victor Talking Machine Company. To the dismay ofcollectors today, many of these 'off brand' phonographshave tone arms and reproducers made of pot metal, which has notaged well and now tends to be brittle and break easily. They aredifficult to repair or replace though some collectors have madesuccessful repairs using epoxy resins.

Although machines shared some qualities, unique designs werecarefully advertised. The Hoffay was advertised as being'airtight' for better sound production. The Brooksfeatured an automatic repeater and stop device. The Classiquefeatured a rubber turntable and tone arm. The Dolce-Tone had areproducer with a fabric diaphragm. The Fulton had a spuninternal horn. The Olympian was advertised as a small'apartment sized' console. The Ko-Hi-Ola was a tallstructure that contained a phonograph, some record shelves, alarge clock on top, and even a 'secret' compartment.The internal horn of the Crystola was made of mirror-polishedplate glass, which must have made these phonographs delicate anddifficult to ship. The Ceramiphone featured a ceramic horn.Perhaps the most remarkable was the Shell-O-Phone which featuredan internal horn made from a large conch-shell collected on thebeach of a South Seas island.

Deca-Disc and Marvelola produced semi-automatic models thatcould play in succession a small stack of discs. The Electric wasa coin-operated automatic phonograph that held 24 cylinders. TheLyradion was one of the first radio-phonograph cabinets (April1922); a 2-stage D.C. Westinghouse receiver was included. ThePhono-Grand, made by the J.P. Seeburg Piano Co. and advertised as'small enough..to fit the apartment of the man of moderatemeans,' was a combined talking machine and player piano,playing regular 78 rpm discs and standard Q.R.S. 88 note playerrolls. The Phonola was an upright cabinet which was collapsible;advertisements claimed it could be assembled in 60 seconds.Instead of having a grille in front of its horn, the Ton-O-Grafhad sliding shutters which could be adjusted 'for perfecttone control.'

Pressing a button on the Supreme illuminated three lights, oneeach for the turntable, tone chamber, and record compartment.Most impressive was the grille that contained stained glass andwas beautifully illuminated by the tone chamber light. The grillecould be swiveled to an open position when playing records. ManySupreme models came with electric motors.

Machines were made for children, some being small upright orconsole models though more were small table models. The DiamondJuvenile console, well-crafted in simple 'Mission'style,' was painted white with blue trim and had a 9-inchturntable. Other brands were Baby, Bobolink, Kiddiephone, andToyphone.

Several firms manufactured phonograph lamps. The Phonolamp wasperhaps the most amazing because of its stained glass shade. TheModernola was an upright phonograph with a large lamp elevatedabove the cabinet. The Lampograph was yet another brand. Severalfirms manufactured phonographs with the shape and appearance ofbaby grand pianos, such as the Venus Belle, Phono-Grand andFern-O-Grand.

Library tables with a phonograph concealed inside wereproduced by Librola, Phonographic Table, and Tabla-tone. For thelatter the phonograph was held within a pull-out drawer.

Beginning around 1916, several firms produced portable'suitcase' models. A few, such as the Stewart Militaryand the Recruit, were originally designed for soldiers andsailors. Other early makers of portables were Piknik, Cirola,Melophone, Portola, and Spraytone. In the summer of 1921 portablemodels were advertised extensively as ideal for picnics, camping,and back porch listening.

Firms made record cabinets in all shapes and styles. TheSchloss Brothers in New York and the Udell Works in Indianapolismade cabinets specifically to hold the common Victor and Columbiatable models. Some cabinets held the phonograph exposed on top ofthe cabinet. The phonograph was held within some other cabinetsand could be covered by a lid. Other record cabinet firms wereBerkeley Cabinet Company, Herzog Art Furniture Company, George A.Long Cabinet Company, C.J. Lundstrom Manufacturing Company,Pooley Furniture Company, and Value-Tone Talking MachineManufacturing Company.

Some of the 260 plus companies produced records. With only afew exceptions, such as Emerson, records made before 1919 werevertical cut. Emerson, Paramount, Rex, and Starr cut their ownmaterial. The New York Recording Laboratories of Port Washington,Wisconsin, which pressed Paramount discs, supplied records forHarmograph, Mozart, and Puritan. Pathe produced pressings forEmpire and World. The Bell Record Corporation produced recordsfor Schubert. Resona had record sources from Paramount, Plaza,and Emerson. Cardinal produced its own records until 1922 whenits records came from Starr. According to Brian Rust's TheAmerican Record Label Book, Phonolamp issued less than adozen recordings. They were not sold individually but wereincluded with a Phonolamp purchase. Grey Gull was the source ofthese rare discs. Arrow and Mandel also briefly sold records.


Although many companies had main offices or manufacturingfacilities in Chicago or New York City, the center for cabinetproduction was Michigan, especially in and around Grand Rapids.The famous Berkey and Gay Furniture Co. of Grand Rapids madecabinets for the Cheney Talking Machine Company. Cheney also madecabinets at another facility in Grand Rapids. American, ArtCraft, Crescent, L'Artiste, Lauzon, and Widdicomb phonographswere made in Grand Rapids. The Aeolian Company had an assemblyplant on Lyon Street. Metal parts for talking machines wereproduced by the Grand Rapids Brass Company, the Grand RapidsFoundry Company, the Otto Heineman Phonograph Supply Company, andthe Rathbone Fireplace Manufacturing Company.

Grand Rapids held semi-annual furniture exhibits. Severaldowntown buildings were used, most notably the Gilbert andKlingman Exhibition Buildings and the Furniture Temple. By thelate 'teens the talking machine industry had taken over most ofthe exhibits, companies competing with elaborate machine displaysand demonstrations. The Otto Heineman Company (later the GeneralPhonograph Corporation) turned over the first floor of its OkehBuilding to exhibits.

Other areas of Michigan produced phonographs. In mid-1919 theSonora Phonograph Company opened an assembly factory in Saginawand the company headquarters were finally moved, in the summer of1927, to Saginaw. The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Company had majorfacilities in Muskegon. The Bush and Lane and Cecilaphonephonographs were made in Holland, the Delpheon in Bay City, theDulcitone in South Haven, and the Manophone in Adrian.

When were machines being sold? H. B. Bibb, sales manager ofthe Brunswick-Balke-Collender Company, produced a pie chart forthe June 1919 issue of TMW. Each of the chart's twelve slicesrepresents a percentage of sales of a given month. The chart,prepared from data collected from all parts of the U.S. and frommerchants selling various makes of talking machines, shows thatnearly half of the annual sales of talking machines were made inNovember and December. Manufacturers and dealers knew well inadvance to have abundant supplies ready for holiday sales.Because many homes had new machines in December, January wasgenerally good for record sales.

Because the Christmas season was universally recognized as theyear's most important season for sales, new companies oftenintroduced their models in the autumn, in time for dealers toplace orders. If we can judge from advertisements in TMW, morenew companies introduced machines in the months of August,September and October of 1917 than during any other quarter yearof the acoustic era. Had the industry not suffered severeshortages in 1918, the autumn months of 1918 might have matchedthose of 1917 in the introduction of new companies.

By mid-1920 signs of an oversold market and a general businessslow-down were evident. On June 5, 1920, A. J. Kendrick of theBrunswick-Balke-Collender Company sent this message to Brunswickdealers: 'It is quite reasonable to anticipate that somemanufacturers will shortly find themselves seriously presentedwith a condition of overproduction, and unless he has fortifiedhimself against such a period he and his dealers must inevitablysuffer when that time comes.' By 1921 overproduction and abusiness depression marked the end of the phonograph boom. Mostof the 260 plus companies were forced out of business.

Some companies of the late 'teens did not last as long as 1920despite a boom. Bankruptcies were routinely announced in TMW. Forexample, the October 1917 issue announced the auctioning of theFlemish Phonograph Co. to take place on November 20 at 10:30 AMat the Flemish factory in Brooklyn. The inventory included 2,000'complete' phonographs and 40,000 records.

Machines advertised in TMW

Here are machines that were advertised in TalkingMachine World (TMW) from August 1916 to1923. Not included are a half dozen major companies--for example,Edison, Columbia, and Victor--since the histories of bigcompanies are told in various books.

Dates indicate the first time machines were advertisedin TMW. The August 1916 issue is the earliest I have examined,and it is possible that machines given the date 'August1916' had been advertised in earlier issues.

Knowing when a machine was first advertised in TMW isuseful since an advertising debut in TMW generally indicated whena new machine was actually marketed for the first time.

In parenthesis are dates for known trademarkapplications, generously provided by researcher Allan Sutton. Notall companies registered their trademarks.

1. Adora -- Adora Phonograph Company, 242 E. Jefferson Avenue,Detroit, Michigan. May 1920.

2. Alethetone -- Stevens Organ and Piano Company, Marietta,Ohio. April 1917.

3. Ambassador -- Ambassador Phonograph Co., Suite 300, 19 WestJackson Blvd., Chicago, Illinois. October 1921.

4. American -- American Phonograph Co., 111 Lyon Street, GrandRapids, Michigan. August 1917.

5. American Maid -- C. John A. Woods and Son, 30 ChurchStreet, New York. March 1918.

6. Americanola -- American Talking Machine Co., Bloomsberg,Pennsylvania. August 1920.

7. Amerinola -- Amerinola Company, 1 Vandalia Avenue,Cincinnati Ohio. January 1920.

8. Angelus -- Angelus Phonograph Co., 1249 Lexington Ave., NewYork City. August 1917. (Trademark filed 5/2/1918 by Wilcox &White, Meriden Connecticut; used since 5/15/1917.)

9. Arietta -- Roundtree Corporation, Richmond, Virginia. July1920.

10. Armoniola -- Thomas Manufacturing Company, Dayton, Ohio.November 1916.

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11. Arrow -- Arrow Phonograph Corporation, 16 West 39thStreet, New York City. February 1920.

12. Art Craft Line -- The Art Craft Company, Grand Rapids,Michigan. September 1918.

13. Artofola -- The Artofola Company, Springfield, Illinois.October 1916.

14. Artophone -- Artophone Company, 1113 Olive Street, St.Louis, Missouri. September 1916. (Trademark filed 3/27/1916; usedsince 5/1915.)

15. Ashland -- Ashland Manufacturing Company, 43rd andHermitage Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. November 1916.

16. Autophone -- Autophone Co., 117 Cypress Ave., New YorkCity, New York. February 1919.

17. Baby -- Garford Manufacturing Company, Elyria, Ohio.February 1919.

18. Beacon -- Beacon Phonograph Company, 248 Boylston Street,Boston, Massachusetts. January 1920. (Trademark filed 2/25/1920;used since 11/18/1919.)

19. Belcanto -- The Belcanto Co., 130 West 42nd Street, NewYork City, New York. March 1919.

20. Blandin -- Racine Phonograph Company, Inc., Racine,Wisconsin. July 1920.

21. Blue Bird -- Blue Bird Talking Machine Company, LosAngeles, California. November 1920.

22. Bobolink -- A.C. Gilbert Co., 460 Blatchley Avenue, NewHaven, Connecticut. October 1921.

23. Brendonne -- Brendonne Corporation, 9 Central Ave.,Newark, New Jersey. December 1920.

24. Brooks -- Brooks Manufacturing Company, Saginaw, Michigan.September 1916.

25. Bush and Lane -- Bush and Lane Piano Company, Holland,Michigan. September 1918.

26. Campbell -- Campbell Industries, 36 State Street, Chicago,Illinois. July 1920.

27. Cardinal -- Cardinal Phonograph Company, Zanesville, Ohio.September 1919. (Trademark filed 7/10/1919 by the Art CabinetCo., Newark, New Jersey; used since 5/15/1919.)

28. Carmen -- G. W. Huntley and Co., 25 East Lake Street,Chicago, Illinois. December 1920.

29. Cathedral -- Cathedral Phonograph Company, Omaha,Nebraska. July 1920. (Trademark filed 1/26/1920 by the UnitedPhonograph Corp., Omaha; used since 10/1/1919.)

30. Cecilaphone -- Bush and Lane Piano Company, Holland,Michigan. July 1918. (Named after Saint Cecilia, patron saint ofmusic.)

31. Century -- Century Cabinet Company, 25 West 45th Street,New York City. August 1917.

32. Ceramiphone -- Smith-Phillips Music Company, EastLiverpool, Ohio. March 1920. (Features a ceramic horn.)

33. Charmaphone -- R. L. Kenyon Manufacturing Company, 39 West32nd Street, New York City, New York. October 1918.

34. Cheney -- Cheney Talking Machine Co., 24 N. Wabash Avenue,Chicago, Illinois. March 1918. (Trademark filed 8/30/1919; usedsince 8/24/1916.)

35. Chorister -- Chorister Phonograph Co., 336 West 63rdStreet, Chicago, Illinois. January 1920.

36. Cirola -- Cirola Phonograph Corporation, 1227 GermantownAvenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. May 1920.

37. Classique -- Classique Phonograph Corporation, 410 SouthMichigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. November 1917.

38. Claxtonola -- Brenard Manufacturing Company, Iowa City,Iowa. January 1919. (Trademark filed 5/2/1919; used since3/15/1919.)

39. Clayola -- Bristol and Barber Co., Inc., 3 East 14thStreet, New York City. November 1922.

40. Cleartone -- The Lucky 13 Phonograph Co., 3 East 12thStreet, New York City. September 1917.

41. Cleola -- Tyrola Phonograph Company, Wilmette, Illinois.January 1920.

42. Compatophone -- The Sterno Manufacturing Company, Ltd., 19City Road, London, England. October 1916.

43. Concertola -- World Phonograph Co., 218 S. Wabash Avenue,Chicago, Illinois. March 1917.

44. Consola -- Consolidated Talking Machine Company, 227 WestLake Street, Chicago, Illinois. November 1917.

45. Cowan -- The Classique Phonograph Corporation, 401 N.Lincoln Street, Chicago, Illinois. October 1917.

46. Crafts -- A. J. Crafts Piano Company, Richmond, Virginia.January 1920.

47. Cremonia -- Cremonia Phonograph Company, 14 Wall Street,New York City. April 1919.

48. Crescent -- Crescent Talking Machine Company, 89 ChambersStreet, New York City, New York. August 1916. (Trademark filed8/15/1919; used since 3/1914.)

49. Crippen -- The Crippen Company, Inc., 427 5th Avenue, NewYork City. January 1920. (Trademark filed 12/6/1919; used since12/1918.)

50. Crosley -- Crosley Phonograph Co., 1 Vandalia Avenue,Cincinnati, Ohio. February 1920.

51. Crystola -- Crystola Company, Cincinnati, Ohio. August1917. (Has crystal tone chamber.)

52. Culptone -- Culp Phonograph Company, 240 Broadway, NewYork City, New York. October 1918. (Trademark filed 8/16/1921 byAbraham Culp, New York; used since 10/1918.)

53. Dalion -- Milwaukee Talking Machine Manufacturing Company,Milwaukee, Wisconsin. January 1920. (Trademark filed 7/30/1919;used since 2/26/1919.)

54. Davenola -- Davenport Cabinet Works, 829 W. 2nd Street,Davenport, Iowa. November 1919.

55. Deca-Disc -- Deca-Disc Phonograph Co., Waynesboro,Pennsylvania. March 1922.

56. Delpheon -- The Delpheon Co., 810 Boutell Place, Bay City,Michigan. September 1916. (Trademark filed 8/14/1916 by CharlesJ. Bousfield, Bay City, Michigan; used since 7/7/1916.)

57. Deterling -- Deterling Manufacturing Company, Tipton,Indiana. March 1920.

58. Diamond -- Diamond Products Corporation, 25 West 43rdStreet, New York City. June 1922.

59. Dolce-Tone -- Reed, Dawson, and Co., 6 West Park Street,Newark, New Jersey. October 1917.

60. Domestic -- Domestic Talking Machine Corporation, 33rd andArch Streets, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. August 1916. (Trademarkfiled 6/22/1916; used since 2/14/1916.)

61. Dulciphone -- Grand Talking Machine Company, 366 AdamStreet, Brooklyn, New York. February 1917.

62. Dulcitone -- Cable-Nelson Piano Co., Republic Building,Chicago, Illinois. February 1919. (Trademark filed 4/14/1919;used since 1/1918.)

63. Dusonto -- The Belcanto Company, Inc., 130 West 42ndStreet, New York City. January 1920. (Trademark filed 5/17/1919;used since 5/6/1919.)

64. Eclipse -- Eclipse Phonograph Co., 51 Law-rence Street,Newark, New Jersey. March 1917.

65. Edmondson -- Edmondson Phonograph Company, 16 WashingtonAvenue, Irvington, New Jersey. November 1916.

66. Electric -- Electric Phonograph Company, Kalamazoo,Michigan. September 1920.

67. Elmbro -- Elmbro Talking Machine Company, St. Paul,Minnesota. April 1918.

68. Embrola -- Embrola Talking Machine Co., Department A, St.Paul, Minnesota. January 1918.

69. Emerson -- Emerson Phonograph Company, Inc., 206 FifthAvenue, New York City, New York. April 1920. (Trademark filed11/24/1919; used on phonographs since 9/15/1919.)

70. Empire -- Empire Talking Machine Company, 429 South WabashAvenue, Chicago, Illinois. September 1916. (Trademark filed12/20/1915; used since 12/3/1915; re-filed by The Udell Works,Indianapolis, 8/7/1924.)

71. Eubanola -- Ramos-Eubank Phonograph Manufacturing Company,Richmond, Virginia. March 1919.

72. Eufonola -- Acme Cabinet Company, 116 W. 32nd Street, NewYork City. November 1916.

73. Excel -- Excel Cabinet Co., 136 West 23rd Street, New YorkCity, New York. February 1920.

74. Favorite -- Favorite Talking Machine Co., 438 Broadway,New York City. September 1916.

75. Favorola -- Bon-Ton Manufacturing Co., 211 S. Broadway,St. Louis, Missouri. October 1920.

76. Fern-O-Grand -- Fern-O-Grand Co., 212 West CentralParkway, Cincinnati, Ohio. March 1920.

77. Firestone -- Firestone Phonograph Co., 59 East van BurenStreet, Chicago, Illinois. April 1919.

78. Fischer -- J. and C. Fischer, Inc., 417 West 28th Street,New York City. March 1922. (Trademark filed 3/19/1920; used since11/9/1920.)

79. Flemish -- Lynn Phonograph Company, 37th Street, Brooklyn,New York. August 1916.

80. Fraad -- Fraad Talking Machine Company, Inc., 225Lexington Avenue, New York City, New York. October 1916.

81. Franklin -- Franklin Phonograph Company, 10th and ColumbiaAvenues, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. January 1920.

82. Fullertone -- Fullertone Phonograph Products,Incorporated. January 1922.

83. Fulton -- Fulton-Alden Company, Inc., Waukegan, Illinois.November 1917. (Trademark filed 6/23/1919 by Fulton Bros. Mfg.Co., Waukegan; used since approximately 2/1/1917.)

84. Gabelola -- Gabel's Entertainer Company, 210 North AnnSt., Chicago, Illinois. December 1917.

85. Garford -- The Garford Manufacturing Company, Elyria,Ohio. February 1919.

86. General -- General Phonograph Manufacturing Company,Elyria, Ohio. November 1921.

87. Granby -- Granby Phonograph Corporation, Levy Building,Newport News, Virginia. December 1921.

88. Grande -- Grande Phonograph Company, 25 West Lake St.,Chicago, Illinois. September 1920.

89. Hallet and Davis -- Hallet and Davis Company, Boston,Massachusetts. April 1922.

90. Harmonia -- Harmonia Talking Machine Company, 47 West 34thStreet, New York City, New York. June 1920.

91. Harmonola -- The Harmonola Company, 1611 Chestnut Street,Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. October 1916.

92. Harponola -- The Celina Furniture Company, 101 MercelinaPark, Celina, Ohio. November 1917.

93. Harpvola -- Harpvola Talking Machine Co., Harrisburg,Pennsylvania. November 1916.

94. Harrolla -- King Talking Machine Company, 11 West 25thSt., New York City. January 1917.

95. Hawthorn -- Southern California Hardwood and ManufacturingCompany, 1430 South Alameda St., Los Angeles, California.September 1918.

96. Hayne'ola -- Hayne'ola Phonograph Corporation, Ottawa,Illinois. January 1917.

97. Heintzman -- Gerhard Heintzman Ltd., Sherborne St.,Toronto, Canada. September 1919.

98. Heywood-Wakefield -- Heywood Brothers and WakefieldCompany, Gardner and Wakefield, Massachusetts. January 1920.

99. Hexaphone -- The Regina Company, 47 West 34th Street, NewYork City. February 1917.

100. Hiawatha -- Hiawatha-Ottawa Pianophone Company, Ottawa,Illinois. May 1917.

101. Hoffay -- Hoffay Talking Machine Company, 3 West 29thSt., New York City. February 1919.

102. Humanatone -- Humanatone Talking Machine Company, 254North 10th Street, Brooklyn, New York. February 1917.

103. Humanola -- Humanola Talking Machine Company, Meyersdale,Pennsylvania. August 1917. (Trademark filed 2/29/1916 by Baldwin& Livengood, Meyersdale; used since 3/1/1915.)

104. Ideal -- United Talking Machine Company, 178 Emmet St.,Newark, New Jersey. March 1917.

105. Imperial -- Imperial Talking Machine Company, 9 VandeverAvenue Wilmington, Delaware. January 1917.

106. Independent -- Independent Talking Machine Company, Inc.,12 East 42nd Street, New York City, New York. November 1919.

107. International -- International Talking Machine Company,1719 West Van Buren Street, Chicago, Illinois. August 1916.

108. Interpretone -- Crippen Company, New York City, New York.April 1920.

109. Jewett -- Jewett Phonograph Company, 958 PenobscotBuilding, Detroit, Michigan. July 1921.

110 Kamp-Fone -- Kamp-Fone Health Builders, Inc., 334 5thAvenue, New York City, New York. April 1923.

111. Kiddiephone -- The Wilkins Toy Company, Keene, NewHampshire. January 1917.

112. Kimball -- W. W. Kimball Company, Kimball Building,Chicago, Illinois. May 1920. (Trademark filed 2/5/1918; usedsince 1/15/1918.)

113. Ko-Hi-Ola -- Koehler and Hinrichs, St. Paul, Minnesota.November 1916.

114. Koch-O-Phone -- Ands Koch, 296 Broadway, New York City,New York. May 1917.

115. Lakeside -- Lakeside Supply Company, 416 South DearbornSt., Chicago, Illinois. April 1920.

116. Lampograph -- Frank H. Feraud, 1911 State Street, GraniteCity, Illinois. December 1918.

117. L'Artiste -- Grand Rapids Phonograph Company, 1400 FrontAvenue, Grand Rapids, Michigan. May 1919. (Trademark filed8/4/1919 by Grand Rapids School Equipment Co., Grand Rapids; usedsince 7/21/1919.)

118. Lauzon -- Michigan Phonograph Company, 705 AshtonBuilding, Grand Rapids, Michigan. February 1919.

119. Lawson -- Lawson Piano Company, 372 East 149th Street,New York City. January 1920.

120. Liberty -- Liberty Phonograph Co., 313 Wilmac Building,Minneapolis, Minnesota. June 1918.

121. Librola -- Seaburg Manufacturing Company, Jamestown, NewYork. April 1920.

122. Linerphone -- Linerphone Talking Machine Company, 1801Nebraska Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. October 1918.

123. Lone-Star -- Texas Talking Machine Company, Dallas,Texas. November 1921.

124. Lorophone -- Lorimer-Hicks Manufacturing Company,Republic Building, Chicago, Illinois. February 1917. (Trademarkfiled 7/10/1916 from Troy, Ohio; used since 9/15/1915.)

125. Ludlow -- A.J. Crafts Piano Company, 218 N. 2nd Street,Richmond, Virginia. November 1919.

126. Lynertone -- Lynertone Talking Machine Co., 18 West 20thSt., New York City. October 1919.

127. Lyradion -- Lyradion Sales and Engineering Company,Mishawaka, Indiana.

128. Lyreola -- Lyre-Ola Manufacturing Company, 1504 PineStreet, St. Louis, Missouri. April 1920.

129. Lyrian -- Lyrian Phonograph Company, 621 Main Street,Cincinnati, Ohio. November 1916.

130. Maestro -- Lanski Company, 1414 South Wabash Avenue,Chicago, Illinois. April 1920.

131. Maestrola -- Sound Reproduction Company, Inc., 56 LibertyStreet, New York City, New York. September 1916. (Trademark filed5/20/1916; used since 5/1/1916.)

132. Mag-Ni-Phone -- Charles W. Shonk Company, 707 St. CharlesStreet, Maywood, Illinois. October 1916.

133. Magnola -- Magnola Talking Machine Company, 711 MilwaukeAvenue, Chicago, Illinois. September 1916.

134. Majestic -- Majestic Phonograph Company, McClureBuilding, 218 South Wabash Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. August1916. (Trademark filed 4/28/1916; used since approximately2/1/1916.)

135. Mandel -- Mandel Manufacturing Company, 501 LaflinStreet, Chicago, Illinois. August 1916. (Trademark filed5/3/1919; used since 11/1915.)

136. Manophone -- James Manoil Company, Inc., 60 Broadway, NewYork City. August 1916. (Trademark filed 7/25/1916; used since7/15/1916.)

137. Marvelon -- Marvelon Phonograph Co., 508 Arcade Building,St. Louis, Missouri. March 1920.

138. Marveola -- Weser Brothers, 524 West 23rd Street, NewYork City, New York. January 1920.

139. Mascot -- Mascot Talking Machine Company, 66 West 37thStreet, New York City. August 1916.

140. Mastertone -- Iroquois Sales Corporation, 10 N. DivisionSt., Buffalo, New York. March 1920.

141. Mellowtone -- Melophone Talking Machine Company, 376Lafayette Street, New York City, New York. August 1916.

142. Melodia -- Melodia Phonograph Co., 400 N. SangamonStreet, Chicago, Illinois. February 1920. (Trademark filed4/5/1920; used since 7/5/1919.)

143. Melodograph -- Melodograph Corporation, 142 W. 14th St.,New York City. November 1916. (Trademark filed 10/19/1916; usedsince 6/1/1916.)

144. Melody -- Melody National Sales Co., 190 N. State Street,Chicago, Illinois. November 1922.

145. Melophone -- Melophone Talking Machine Company, 376Lafayette Street, New York City, New York. November 1916.

146. Meteor -- Meteor Motor Car Company, Piqua, Ohio. May1917.

147. Metro -- Metro Phonograph Company, 55 Vesey Street, NewYork City. September 1919.

148. Metrophone -- Franz Bruckner Manufacturing Company, 405Broadway, New York City, New York. October 1916. (Allan Sutton,whose extensive research on recording industry trademarks hasbeen invaluable, reports that the Mills Novelty Company, Chicago,filed a trademark on Metrophone on May 5, 1917, but adds that itis not certain that these are the same.)

149. Mockingbird -- Edwin M. Wright, Manteno, Illinois.January 1920.

150. Modernola -- Modernola Company, Johnstown, Pennsylvania.January 1920. (Trademark filed 11/8/1918; used since 8/5/1918;re-filed by The Modernola Co., Johnstown, Pennsylvania,7/14/1923.)

151. Morenus -- Morenus Piano Co., 341 West Superior Street,Chicago, Illinois. February 1918.

152. Mozart -- Mozart Talking Machine Co., 1432 N. 20thStreet, St. Louis, Missouri. October 1916.


153. Munola -- The Munzer Manufacturing Corporation, 307 South6th Avenue, Minneapolis, Minnesota. November 1917.

154. Musicola -- Musicola Talking Machine Company, 242Knickerbocker Avenue, Brooklyn, New York. March 1920.

155. Mutual -- Mutual Talking Machine Company, Inc., 145 West45th Street, New York City, New York. August 1916.

156. National Bluebird -- National Talking Machine Company,118 East 28th Street, New York City, New York. August 1916.

157. Natural Voice -- Natural Voice Phonograph Company,Oneida, New York. January 1920.

158. Newman Brothers -- Newman Brothers Company, 410 SouthMichigan Blvd., Chicago, Illinois. April 1920.

159. Nightingale -- Nightingale Manufacturing Company, 422North Armour Street, Chicago, Illinois. June 1918. (Trademarkfiled 3/25/1918; used since 11/1/1916.)

160. Olympian -- Cole and Dunas Music Co., 54 West LakeStreet, Chicago, Illinois. January 1920. (Trademark filed8/6/1920; used since 10/1/1918.)

161. Onken -- Oscar Onken Company, Cincinnati, Ohio. January1920.

162. Operollo -- Operollo Phonograph Company, Inc., 420Lightner Building, Detroit, Michigan. March 1917. (Trademarkfiled 1/4/1917 by Arthur Silwiersky, assignor to OperolloPhonograph Co.; used since 10/20/1916.)

163. Oranola -- Perfection Talking Machine Company, Inc., 129De Graw Street, Brooklyn, New York. August 1919. (Trademark filed8/15/1919; used since 8/6/1919.)

164. Oriola -- Metropolis Sales Company, 27 Union Square, NewYork City, New York. April 1917. (Mutual Trading Co., New York,filed applications on Oriola on 10/5/1918 and 8/23/1920, withused claimed since 1/15/1918; relation to this brand is unclear.)

165. Oro-Tone -- The Oro-Tone Company, 1000 George Street,Chicago, Illinois. June 1922.

166. Orsenigo -- Orsenigo Company, Inc., 110 West 42nd Street,New York City. February 1922.

167. Oxford -- The Mundler Corporation, 1123 Broadway, NewYork City. December 1920.

168. Pal -- Plaza Music Company, 18 West 20th Street, New YorkCity, New York. June 1922.

169. Paramount -- Paramount Talking Machine Company, PortWashington, Wisconsin. February 1920. (Trademark filed 11/5/1917by United Phonographs Corp., Port Washington; used since10/20/1917.)

170. Parlephone -- E.E. Tower, St. Joseph, Missouri. April1919.

171. Peerless -- Republic Phonograph Co., 18 E. Jackson Blvd.,Chicago, Illinois. February 1917.

172. Perfectrola -- Milwaukee Talking Machine ManufacturingCompany, 416 4th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. October 1918.(Trademark filed 2/21/1916; used since 1/17/1916.)

173. Phoenix -- Phoenix Phonograph Company, 2504 West vanBuren Street, Chicago, Illinois. August 1919.

174. Phon d'Amor -- Fritzsch Phonograph Co., 228 W. 7th St.,Cincinnati, Ohio. November 1917. (Trademark filed 7/2/1917; usedsince 6/2/1917.)

175. Phono-Grand -- J.P. Seeburg Piano Company, RepublicBuilding, Chicago, Illinois. November 1917. (Trademark filed10/1/1917 by Justus P. Seeburg, Chicago; used since 7/1/1917.)

176. Phonographic Table -- Phonographic Table Co., 25 W. 32ndSt., New York City. March 1917.

177. Phonola -- Caloric Sales Company, 1381 Continental andCommercial Bank Building, Chicago, Illinois. October 1916.

178. Phonolamp -- Electric Phonograph Company, 29 West 34thStreet, New York City. August 1916. (Trademark filed 4/24/1918;use claimed, obviously in error, since approximately 4/1/1918.)

179. Piknik -- Piknik Portable Phonograph, Inc., Lakewood, NewJersey. November 1920.

180. Playerphone -- Playerphone Talking Machine Company, 802Republic Building, Chicago, Illinois. August 1916. (Trademarkfiled 4/7/1916; used since 10/23/1915.)

181. Player-Tone -- Player Tone Talking Machine Company, 967Liberty Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. March 1920.

182. Playonola -- Playonola Talking Machine Co., 1210 3rd St.,Milwaukee, Wisconsin. May 1920.

183. Plymouth -- Plymouth Phonograph Co., Plymouth, Wisconsin.June 1921.

184. Pooley -- Pooley Furniture Company, Inc., 16th Street andIndiana Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. June 1916.

185. Portola -- Portable Phonograph Co., Reserve BankBuilding, Kansas City, Missouri. February 1920. (Trademark filed10/11/1919 by Carroll E. Dodson, Kansas City; used since10/1/1919.)

186. Portophone -- The Tri Sales Co., 616 Victoria Building,St. Louis, Missouri. December 1920.

187. Premier -- Premier Cabinet Company, Williamsport,Pennsylvania. August 1916. (Trademark filed 6/20/1916; used since5/22/1916.)

188. Prima-Donna -- General Sales Corporation, Milwaukee,Wisconsin. May 1920.

189. Puritan -- United Phonographs Corporation, Sheboygan,Wisconsin. April 1918. (Trademark filed 1/15/1917; used since10/1/1916.)

190. Qualitiphone -- Qualitiphone Sales Corporation, 17 East42nd Street, New York City, New York. March 1922. (Trademarkfiled 2/24/1922 by Qualitiphone, Inc., New York; used since12/15/1921.)

191. Ramosola -- Ramos-Eubank Phonograph ManufacturingCompany, Richmond, Virginia. March 1919.

192. Re-Call -- The Huss Brothers Phonograph and PianoCompany, 6 West Canal Blvd., Cincinnati, Ohio. January 1920.(Trademark filed 9/29/1919; used since 6/1/1919.)

193. Recordion -- Columbia Mantel Company, Leonard and DevoeStreets, Brooklyn, New York. November 1916. (Trademark filed4/26/1919; used since 1/1917.)

194. Recruit -- Thornell-Manton, The Havermeyer Building atCourtland, Church, and Day Streets, New York City, New York. May1918.

195. Reginaphone -- The Regina Company, 47 W. 34th Street, NewYork City, New York. May 1918.

196. Remington -- Remington Phonograph Corporation, 1662Broadway, New York City, New York. June 1920. (Trademark filed7/20/1920; used since 5/5/1920.)

197. Republic -- Republic Phonograph Co., 18 East JacksonBlvd., Chicago, Illinois. February 1917.

198. Retola -- Ausonia Reed Furniture Company, 844 GerardAvenue, New York City, New York. October 1920.

199. Rishell -- Rishell Phonograph Company, Williamsport,Pennsylvania. September 1916. (A related company with a slightlydifferent spelling--Rishel--is still in business inWilliamsport.)

200. Riviera -- Riviera Talking Machine Company, 848 EastmanStreet, Chicago, Illinois. March 1919.

201. Robinola -- Robinola Talking Machine Co., 119 E. 5thStreet, Cincinnati, Ohio. June 1917. (The Robinola PhonographCo., St. Louis, filed a trademark application on Robinola on6/17/1920; its relation to this brand is not known.)

202. Robinson -- Robinson Phonograph Corporation, 2702 SouthAlameda Street, Los Angeles, California. August 1921.

203. Ross -- Ross Talking Machine Company, 22nd Street andGlenwood Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. February 1920

204. Royal -- Royal Phonograph Co., Inc., 606 Courtland Ave.,New York City. November 1919.

205. Savoy -- Savoy Gramophone Company, 530 Cherry Street, NewYork City. September 1916.

206. Saxola -- Sachs and Company, 425 South Wabash Avenue,Chicago, Illinois. May 1919.

207. Schubert -- Bell Talking Machine Corporation, 1 West139th Street, New York City, New York. August 1917. (Trademarkfiled 7/7/1917; used since 6/25/1917.)

208. Shell-O-Phone -- Shell-O-Phone Talking Machine Company,North American Building, Chicago, Illinois. October 1918. (Notrademark application; patent application filed 9/6/1919 for aphonograph using a conch shell for a horn.)

209. Silvertone -- Crescent Talking Machine Company, 89Chamber Street, New York City, New York. February 1917. (Notrademark application; no relation to the Sears brand.)

210. Singaphone -- Singaphone Talking Machine Company, Inc.,32 Union Square, New York City, New York. February 1917

211. Singerphone -- The Singerphone Company, Milwaukee,Wisconsin. June 1920.

212. Solophone -- The Solophone Co., 306 Sussex Street,Harrison, New Jersey. October 1916.

213. Solotone -- Solotone Talking Machines, Lititz,Pennsylvania. February 1919. (Hallett & Davis Piano Co.,Boston, filed a tardemark application on Solophone on 1/17/1916;the relation to this brand is unknown.)

214. Sonata -- Kesner and Jerlaw, 41 West 34th Street, NewYork City, New York. February 1920. (Trademark filed 10/8/1919;used since 7/1/1919.)

215. Sona-Tone -- Sona-Tone Phonograph Inc., 110 West 40thStreet, New York City. July 1919.

216. Spraytone -- C.D.M. Trading Company, 109 LafayetteStreet, New York City. May 1922.

217. Starr -- Starr Piano Co., Richmond, Indiana. October1916. (Trademark filed 6/27/1917, 1/29/1921, and 7/2/1924;first-use claim of 1/1/1907 applies to pianos, not phonographs.)

218. Steger -- Steger and Sons Piano Manufacturing Company,Wabash and Jackson Streets, Chicago, Illinois. January 1919.

219. Steinburn -- Stein-Burn Corporation, Heyworth Building,Madison and Wabash, Chicago, Illinois. July 1919.

220. Steinola -- The Steinola Co., 1221 West Lake Street,Chicago, Illinois. February 1917. (Trade-mark filed 3/10/1917;used since 3/1916.)

221. Sterling -- Sterling Phonograph Co., 285 N. 6th Street,Brooklyn, New York. October 1917.

222. Stewart -- Stewart Phonograph Corporation, 2827 LincolnStreet, Chicago, Illinois. November 1916. (Trademark filed5/13/1916; used since 2/15/1916.)

223. Stodart -- Stodart Phonograph Company, 100 Southern Blvd,New York City. June 1919.

224. Stradivara -- The Compton-Price Company, Coshocton, Ohio.September 1916. (Trademark filed 6/28/1916; used since4/20/1916.)

225. Strand -- Manufacturers Phonograph Co., New York City,New York. November 1921. (Trademark filed 3/15/1924; used since1/1921.)

226. Strickler -- Strickler Manufacturing Company, 434 WestChicago Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. September 1919.

227. Supertone -- Supertone Talking Machine Co., 10 West 20thStreet, New York City. August 1916. (Trademark filed 2/9/1920;used since 3/1916).

228. Supreme -- Superior Phonograph Co., 320 S. Wabash Avenue,Chicago, Illinois. January 1920.

229. Swanson -- Swanson Sales Company, 308 W. Ontario Street,Chicago, Illinois. October 1922.

230. Tablatone -- DeRivas and Harris Manufacturing Company,135th Street at Willow Avenue, New York City, New York. August1919.

231. Tel-O-Tone -- Western News Company, 21 East AustinAvenue, Chicago, Illinois. August 1918. (Trademark filed8/11/1919, assigned by Western News Co. to Tel-O-Tone PhonographCo., Chicago; used since 6/1/1917.)

232. The Lucky 13 -- The Lucky 13 Phonograph Company, 3 East12th Street, New York City, New York. September 1916.

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233. Tiffany -- Tiffany Phonograph Sales Co., 1404 East 9thSt., Cleveland, Ohio. October 1921.

234. Ton-O-Graf -- Ton-O-Graf Corporation, 112 East SouthWater Street, Chicago, Illinois. October 1917. (Trademark filed7/3/1917 by Ivan P. Florsheim, Chicago; used since 6/1/1917.)

235. Tonkola -- William Tonk and Brother, 36th Street at 10thAve., New York City. March 1918.

236. Tonola -- Tonola Phonograph Company, 11 South 7th Street,Minneapolis, Minnesota. May 1917. (Trademark filed 3/24/1916 byLouis A. Priess, Minneapolis; used since 8/1/1915.)

237. Toyphone -- Toyphone and Woodware Manufacturers, Inc.,130 West 18th Street, New York City, New York. January 1917.

238. Triton -- Triton Phonograph Co., 137 Fifth Avenue, NewYork. November 1916. (Trademark filed 8/13/1914; used since1/1914.)

239. United -- United Talking Machine Co., 178 Emmet St.,Newark, New Jersey. November 1916.

240. Usona -- Usona Talking Machine Company, 1977 OgdenAvenue, Chicago, Illinois. July 1919.

241. Valuphone -- Wizard Phonograph Co., Inc., 1977 OgdenAve., Chicago, Illinois. March 1922.

242. Vanophone -- Garfield Manufacturing Co., Elyria, Ohio.August 1918. (Vanophone Company of New York filed a trademarkapplication on Vanophone on 4/21/1915; relation unknown.)

243. Venus Belle -- Venus Company, 717 South Wells Street,Chicago Illinois. March 1920.

244. Verdiola -- Illinois Talking Machine Co., 56 WestWashington St., Chicago, Illinois. July 1918.

245. Veritone -- Veritone Talking Machine Co., 145 West 45thSt., New York City. August 1918.

246. Virginia -- W. P. Mertens Co., 107 W. Main Street,Charlottesville, Virginia. October 1919.

247. Virtuoso -- Republic Phonograph Co., 18 East JacksonBlvd., Chicago, Illinois. January 1917. (Trademark filed1/31/1917; used since 11/1916.)

248. Vista -- Vista Talking Machine Company, The WisconsinChair Company, Port Washington, Wisconsin. August 1919.

249. Vit -- The Vit Talking Machine Company, 123 West MadisonStreet, Suite 412, Chicago, Illinois. March 1920.

250. Vitanola -- Vitanola Talking Machine Company, 208 SouthWabash Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. November 1916. (Trademark filed2/18/1915; used since 2/15/1915.)

251. Waddell -- The Music Table Company, Greenfield, Ohio.April 1920.

252. Waderola -- Wade Talking Machine Company, 12 NorthMichigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. March 1920.

253. Watrola -- Wartell Phonograph Company, 178 West RandolphStreet, Chicago, Illinois. October 1919.

254. Wegman -- Wegman Talking Machine Company, 47 S. ClintonAvenue, Rochester, New York. October 1918.

255. Weser -- Weser Brothers, Inc., 520 West 43rd Street, NewYork City, New York. August 1917. (Trademark filed 4/16/1921; useclaimed, obviously incorrectly, since 2/18/1921.)

256. Westrola -- The Wesley Company, Chicago, Illinois. June1920.

257. Widdicomb -- Widdicomb Furniture Company, Grand Rapids,Michigan. December 1917.

258. Wilson -- Thomas E. Wilson and Company, Chicago,Illinois. October 1917.

259. Windsor -- The Windsor Furniture Co., 1420 CarrollAvenue, Chicago, Illinois. October 1918.

260. Wolf -- Wolf Manufacturing Industries, Quincy, Illinois.October 1921.

261. Wonder -- Wonder Talking Machine Co., 113 4th Avenue, NewYork City. November 1916.

262. World -- World Phonograph Co., 218 South Wabash Ave.,Chicago, Illinois. September 1917.

263. Yale -- Davis Sales and Manufacturing Company, 763 StateStreet, New Haven, Connecticut. September 1923.

Special thanks to Allan Sutton for supplying datesof trademark applications.