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Although internal decay may occur above ground as a result of checks or holes drilled after treatment, the critical groundline zone of poles is most subject to such deterioration because moisture conditions near and below groundline are most favorable to growth of wood-destroying organisms.In addition to deep cracks and checks, damage by people and wood peckers may also affect the service life of utility poles. Deep cracks and checks on the utility poles.The deep cracks, splits, and checks thereafter cause the internal deterioration of treated poles because the untreated center portion of the pole is exposed to fungi and insects. 3 years hollow the cracks zip. According to visual inspections in this study, damages on utility poles due to people and wood peckers were observed (Figure ). Damages on the utility poles were caused by people and wood peckers.(4) Preboring Holes before Impregnation.

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Contoh Program Dengan Visual Foxpro 9 Download
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