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Access Student Solutions Manual for Blanchard/Devaney/Hall's Differential Equations, 4th 4th Edition solutions now. Our solutions are written by Chegg experts. Differential Equations, Third Edition. Home Differential Equations, Third Edition. CONTENTS 1 FIRST-ORDER DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 2 1.1 Modeling via. Author: Paul Blanchard Robert L. Devaney Glen R. DOWNLOAD PDF.

1.1 Modeling via Differential Equations 1.2
Technique: Separation of Variables
1.3 Qualitative Technique: Slope Fields
1.4 Numerical Technique: Euler's Method
1.5 Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions
and the Phase Line
1.8 Linear Equations 1.9
Factors for Linear Equations
Review Exercises for Chapter 1 Labs for Chapter 1
Methods for Special Systems
2.4 Euler's Method for Systems 2.5 The Lorenz Equations
Labs for Chapter 2
Review Exercises for Chapter 2
2.2 The Geometry of Systems Analytic
2.1 Modeling via Systems
1.7 Bifurcations
3.1 Properties of Linear Systems and the Linearity
3.2 Straight-Line Solutions
3.3 Phase Planes for Linear Systems with Real Eigenvalues 3.4 Complex Eigenvalues
3.5 Special Cases: Repeated and Zero Eigenvalues 3.6 Second-Order Linear Equations 3.7 The Trace-Determinant Plane
Review Exercises for Chapter 3
4.1 Forced Harmonic Oscillators 4.2 Sinusoidal Forcing
Labs for Chapter 3 AND
4.3 Undamped Forcing and Resonance 4.4
4.5 The Tacoma Narrows Bridge Review Exercises for Chapter 4 Labs for Chapter 4 5
5.2 Qualitative 5.3
433 443
451 452
Point Analysis 471
484 502
Systems in Three Dimensions
5.6 Periodic Forcing of Nonlinear Review Exercises for Chapter 5 Labs for Chapter 5
5.4 Dissipative Systems 5.5
and Phase of the Steady State
3.8 Linear Systems in Three Dimensions
Systems and Chaos 549
6.1 Laplace Transforms
6.2 Discontinuous Functions
6.3 Second-Order Equations
6.4 Delta Functions 6.5 Convolutions
Impulse Forcing
6.6 The Qualitative Theory of Laplace Transforms Table of Laplace Transforms
Review Exercises for Chapter 6 Labs for Chapter 6
7.1 Numerical Error in Euler's Method 7.2 Improving Euler's Method 7.3 The Runge-Kutta
7.4 The Effects of Finite
641 649 660
Review Exercises for Chapter 7 Labs for Chapter 7
8.1 The Discrete Logistic Equation
8.2 Fixed Points and Periodic Points 8.3 Bifurcations 8.4 Chaos 8.5 Chaos in
692 701
Lorenz System
Review Exercises for Chapter 8 Labs for Chapter 8
709 715
APPENDICES A Changing Variables
B The Ultimate Guess
C Complex Numbers and Euler's Formula
resistance, 4
Lorenz, Edward N., 215 McKenna, Joseph, 440 Smale, Stephen. 63 Xia , Zhihong , 495 Bob, See Boat. Boston, 95 Braun M., 152, 433 Bridges Millennium , 417 Tacoma Narrows , 433 , 448
Alligood , Kathleen, 347
methods, 13, 62 systems, 164, 187 Angular frequency, 299 Annihilation parameter, 671 ApoUo 13, 666 Asymptotic stability , 86 Analytic
Lorenz, 710 strange, 710 Australia , 15 Autonomous equations, 24 , 40 , 76 , 96 Autonomous systems, 181
Carbon dating , 17 Carrying capacity, 9- 10 CD stores model, 235 Cell phones, 142 Center, 299, 301 Changing variables. 455 , 724 w-substitution , 724 Chaos, 218, 532, 543, 700, 701 sensitive dependence on initial conditions, 703, 706 Characteristic polynomial , 265 three-dimensional matrix , 358, 361 Checking solutions, 21, 188 Chemical reactions, 169, 483 Chopping function , 704 Circuit theory , See RC and RLC circuits. Cobweb, 683 Coefficient matrix , 238 three-dimensional , 354 Coefficient of damping , 193 Competing species system, 179, 225, 453, 472 Complex numbers , 291, 744
Baby bottle, 379 Beating, 411 Bernoulli equation, 729 Beth, 16 Bifurcation , 96- 107 creating equilibrium points , 98, 101 definition , 97 discrete dynamical systems, 692 linear systems, 348, 375 period-doubling , 694 pitchfork , 693 tangent , 692 value , 100, 103 Bifurcation diagram , 100 Biography
Alligood, Kathleen, 347 Curry , James H., 202 Kopell, Nancy , 85 819
Compound interest, 28. 36, 125 Computers, 628, 642, 653 Conservation of energy, 492 Conserved quantity , 486, 488 Constant -coefficient equations, 325 Convolution , 605, 625 Cool picture, 163 Cooling model, 35, 141 Cooperative species system, 225, 483 Critical loci, 347 Critically damped harmonic oscillator, 331 Curry , James H., 202 Cycles, 674, 679, 683- 690 classification, 689 D'Ancona , U., 13 Damping , 193 adjustable, See MR fluids . Decoupled systems, 189 Delayed logistic equation , 718 Delta function , See Dirac delta function . Dempster, J. P., 18, 152 Dense subset, 705 Dependent variables, 3- 4 , 20 systems, 173 Determinant , 242, 342 three-dimensional matrix , 357 Wronskian , 258 Dick, See Glen. Difference equation, See Discrete dynamical system. Dirac delta function , 597 Direction field, 173 Discontinuous forcing, 572 Discrete dynamical system, 634, 670 bifurcation , 692- 696 logistic difference equation , 696 period-doubling , 694 pitchfork , 693 tangent , 692 cycles, 674, 679, 683- 690 attracting , 689 classification, 689 neutral , 689 repelling, 689 eventually fixed points , 673
eventually periodic points . 674 fixed points , 673 , 683- 690 attracting , 685
classification, 686 finding , 677 neutral , 685, 689 repelling, 685 graphical iteration , 683 histograms , 676 Newton's method , 717 orbits, 673 period-doubling route to chaos, 698 periodic orbits, 674 renormalization , 699 seed, 673 time series, 676 web diagram , 683 Discrete logistic equation, See Logistic difference equation. Dissipative systems, 502- 518 Dottie number , 678 Duffing equation
periodically forced, 532 Dynamical system discrete time , 670 Eigenvalue , 263, 264
complex. 290 real distinct , 268 repeated, 309, 310 three-dimensional matrix , 357 zero, 319 Eigenvector, 263, 266 three-dimensional matrix , 357 Electric circuit theory , See RC and RLC circuits. Energy , 489 , 492 dissipation, 505 Equilibrium points , 5, 70, 78 bifurcation , 102- 104. 348 center, 299, 301 classification, 86, 284, 462 creation, 101 Hamiltonian systems, 496-497 linear systems, 240- 242 linearization , 87, 729
node, 86 saddle, 274, 362, 463 sink , 86, 279, 362, 463 source, 86, 283, 362, 463 spiral saddle, 360 spiral sink , 299, 463 spiral source, 299, 463 stable, 86, 285 systems, 156, 177 unstable , 285 Equilibrium solutions, 5 , 10, 70 systems, 152, 177 Eric, See Initial value . Euler's formula , 293, 746 Euler's method , 53- 60, 641 errors, 62, 72 , 628 first step, 630 second step, 633 total , 635 formula , 56 improved , 641- 647 order, 637 step size, 54, 629 systems, 198- 204 Eventually fixed points , 673 Eventually periodic points, 674 Existence and Uniqueness Theorem applications, 70- 73 first -order equations, 68 systems, 205 Existence Theorem, 66 Explicit solutions, 13, 23 Exponential growth . See Population models., 562, 670 of solutions, 66, 82 Extendability Extended Linearity Principle. 116. 384 External forcing, 383 Extinction , 104 Extra firm mattress , 168 Finite arithmetic , 660- 663 First -order differential equation, 5 , 20
autonomous , 24 Bernoulli equation, 729 bifurcation changing
, 96 variables, 724
Euler's method , 53 existence, 68 linear, 112 one-parameter family , 97 power series, 736 Riccati equation, 731 separable, 20 slope fields, 36 uniqueness, 68 First -order numerical method , 637 Fixed points , 673, 683- 690 attracting , 685 classification, 686 finding , 677 neutral , 685 , 689 Poincare return map , 536 repelling, 685 Floating cube, 441 Food chain model, 525 Forced equation, 383 Forced harmonic oscillator, 382 beating, 411 discontinuous forcing, 586 glass harmonica , 430 impulse forcing, 595, 598 phase angle, 421 phase plane, 401 resonance, 415 sinusoidal forcing, 397, 413 , 421, 589 undamped , 409 Forced response, 387 Fourier transform , 560 Frequency angular , 299 natural , 299 WEEI , 299 General solution , 7, 23 systems, 190 Gib, 187, 212 Gift , 296, 325 Glass armonica, See glass harmonica. Glass harmonica , 430 Glen, See Dick. Glider, 556
Gradient systems, 513 definition , 516 lobster motion , 513 Lyapunov functions , 513 Graphical iteration , 683 Gravitational force , 489 Growth -rate coefficient, 4 Guess-and-test method , 118, 194, 388 ultimate guess , 736
Half-life, 17 Hamilton , William R., 488 Hamiltonian function , 488 construction , 493 Hamiltonian systems, 484-497 conserved quantity , 486 definition , 488 energy, 489 equilibrium points , 496 Hamiltonian function , 488 ideal pendulum , 490 phase portraits , 488 undamped harmonic oscillator, 488 Hammer strike , 421 , 595 Harmonic oscillator, 159, 160, 193, 234 , 250, 269, 315, 377, 379 as Hamiltonian system, 488 classification, 330 clock, 340 coefficient of damping , 193 critically damped, 331, 334 335 507 damped, forced, See Forced harmonic oscillator. hard spring , 552 modified damping , 227 natural frequency, 207, 330 overdamped, 331. 333- 334 resonance, 415 sinusoidal forcing, 397, 421 soft spring , 552 spring constant , 160 trace-determinant plane , 346 undamped , 301, 330 underdamped , 331- 332 Harry , 187, 212
, 146 Heaviside function , 573 derivative of , 602 Heaviside, Oliver, 573 Hedgpath , J.W ., 15 Hermite equation , 739 Hermite polynomials , 739 Hey, Jude , 420 Histograms , 676 Homogeneous equations, 114, 325, 383, 734 Hooke's law of springs , 160 Harvesting
Ideal pendulum , 490 Identity matrix , 264 Implicit solutions, 28 Improved Euler's method , 641- 647 cost, 646 definition , 644 errors, 644 order, 646 Impulse forcing, 595 Independent variable, 3 4, 20 Initial condition, 5 , 22, 154 discrete dynamical system, See seed. Initial point , 155 Initial -value problem, 6 , 22- 23 system, 162 Integral equation , 642 Integral transform , 560 Integrating factor, 128 Inverse Laplace transform , 566 Iteration , 670, 673 graphical, 683 notation , 679 342200224
Jacobian matrix , 460 Kopell, Nancy , 85 Laplace transform , 560 convolution , 605, 625 definition , 561 Dirac delta function , 597 discontinuous functions , 572 functions , 562 exponential
Index first
-order equations, 565
Heaviside function , 573 inverse, 566 linearity , 564 periodic functions , 580 poles, 614, 624 product rule , 603 qualitative theory , 612 ramp function , 579 rules, 620 sawtooth function , 581 second-order equations, 581 square wave , 581 table, 620 trigonometric functions , 582 Lazer, A . C , 433 Learning model, 15, 144 Legendre equation, 743 Legendre polynomials , 743 Levy, Matthys , 208, 433 Linear approximation , See Linearization. Linear combinations , 243 Linear equations first -order, 112 integrating factor, 128 Linearity Principle, 114, 243 Extended, 116, 384 nonhomogeneous, 114, 383 second-order, 325 Linear independence, 249 in three dimensions, 355 Linear systems angular frequency, 299 bifurcation , 348, 375 center, 299 characteristic polynomial , 265 classification, 284 three-dimensional, 361 coefficient matrix , 238 complex eigenvalues, 290 constant coefficients, 237 critical loci , 347 determinant , 242 dimension, 240
eigenvalues, 263 eigenvectors, 263
equilibrium points , 240 242 general solution , 250, 268, 292, 313
harmonic oscillator, See Harmonic oscillator.
Principle , 243 Extended, 384 linearly independent solutions, 250 matrix notation , 237 natural frequency, 299, 330 natural period , 299 Principle of Superposition, See Linearity Principle. real distinct eigenvalues, 268 repeated eigenvalues, 309, 318 saddle, 274, 362 sink , 279, 362 source, 283, 362 spiral sink , 299 spiral source, 299 straight -line solutions, 267 three dimensions, 354- 365 trace-determinant plane, 342 Wronskian , 258 zero eigenvalue, 319 Linearity Principle , 114, 243 Extended, 116, 384 three -dimensional systems, 355 Linearization, 87, 453, 458, 727 failure , 464- 465 Linearly independent solutions, 250 Logistic difference equation, 671 annihilation parameter, 671 bifurcation , 696 chaotic example, 702 delayed logistic, 718 fixed points , 687 without chaos , 701 Logistic equation, 9- 11, 148, 727 harvesting , 104 modified version, 89 predator-prey system, 157 qualitative analysis, 10 Long-term behavior, 10, 13 Linearity
Lorenz equations, 214 , 368, 528, 709- 714 attractor , 710 Poincare return map , 712 template , 711 Lorenz, Edward N ., 214, 215 Lori, See Gib and Harry . Lost in space, 666 Lucky guess method , 329 Lyapunov function , 507 damped harmonic oscillator, 507 nonlinear pendulum , 505 Lyapunov , Aleksandr M., 507 Magic fingers , 340 Magnetorheological fluid , See MR fluid . Maple, 112 Mass-spring , See Harmonic oscillator. Mathematica , 112 Matrices characteristic polynomial , 265 degenerate, 242 determinant , 342 diagonal, 358 eigenvalue, 263 eigenvector, 263 identity , 264 Jacobian, 460 singular , 242 symmetric , 273 trace, 342 upper triangular , 273 Matrix notation , 237 McKenna, Joseph , 433, 440 Memorization model, 144 Metaphor of the parking lot, 175 Metaphor of the rope, 77 Millennium Bridge, 417 Miracle, 729, 732 Missing solutions, 27 Mixing problems, 31- 32, 43 , 131 Modeling, 2- 13 Models baby bottle, 379 bridges Millennium , 417
Tacoma Narrows , 433 , 448 carbon dating , 17 CD stores, 235 cellphones , 142 chemical reactions, 169, 483 cholesterol, 34 circuit. See RC and RLC circuits, clock, 340 competing species, 179, 225, 453 , 472 compound interest, 28 , 36, 125 cooperative species, 225 , 483 delayed logistic, 718 electric circuits, See RC and RLC circuits, exponential growth , 670 extinction , 104 extra firm mattress, 168 food chain, 525 forced harmonic oscillator, 382 glass harmonica, 430 glider, 556 hammer strike , 421 , 595 harmonic oscillator, See Harmonic oscillator, harvesting , 104, 146 housing market , 254 ideal pendulum , 490 learning , 15, 144 lobster motion , 513 logistic population model, See Logistic equation and Logistic difference equation , measuring mass in space, 377 memorization , 144 Millennium Bridge, 417 mixing problems , 31- 32, 43, 131 modified logistic, 89 mold growth , 145 MR fluid , 231, 426 Newton's law of cooling, 35, 141 oil production , 149 opera singer, 382, 420, 430 pendulum , 489 , 502 population , See Population models, predator-prey, See Predator-prey system, radioactive decay, 16 RC circuit , 44 , 61, 568, 577 RLC circuit , 375, 391, 447
Index band, 229, 448 , 28 shock absorbers, 339 active, 231 state populations , 148 suspension bridge, 417 , 433 , 448 suspension system , 339 swaying skyscraper, 206 209 Tacoma Narrows Bridge, 433 , 448 trolley cars, 95 truck seats, 231 tuned -mass damper, 509 Volterra -Lotka, 482 washing machines, 426 weather, 214 Moldy bread, 145 rubber
The Marriage of Figaro , 487 MR fluid , 231, 426 frequency, 207, 299 , 330 period, 299 response, 387 Newton's law of cooling, 35, 141 Newton's method , 717 Newton's second law of motion , 159, 382, 490 Node first -order equation , 86 Nonhomogeneous equations. 114. 383 Nonlinear equation , 9 Nullcline , 472 , 476 - 479 Numerical integration , 642 Riemann sums , 642 Simpson's rule, 650 trapezoid rule, 642, 650 Numerical methods , 13, 62 errors, 62, 72 , 628, 644, 653 Euler's method , 53- 60, 198, 628 finite arithmetic , 660- 663 improved Euler's method , 644 in practice, 662 order, 637, 641, 646 round -off error, See Finite arithmetic . Runge - Kutta , 649- 658 Mathematica program , 655 Natural Natural Natural
C program , 656 order, 653 TI calculator program . 654 systems, 164, 198, 657 Oil Production, 149 Old joke , 2 Opera singer, 382, 420, 430 Orbit, 673 Order differential equation first -order, 5, 20
second-order, 161
numerical method , 637, 641 Euler's method , 637 Improved Euler's method , 646
, 653 equation, 5 harmonic oscillator, 331 Overdamped Oxford, 18 Runge Kutta Ordinary differential
P-Delta effect, 207 Parameterized family of differentia] Parameters, 3 - 4, 20 bifurcation value , 100 family of equations. 97 Parking lot, 175 Particular
equations, 96
-value problem, 7 nonhomogeneous equations, 384 Pendulum , 489 damped, 457, 502 higher order approximation of , 553 ideal, 490 periodically forced, 540 Poincare return map , 540 Period, 155 forcing, 397 natural , 299 Period-doubling bifurcation , 694 Period-doubling route to chaos, 698 Periodic solution , 154 Phase angle, 421 Phase line, 77 equilibrium points, 78 , 84 initial
metaphor of the rope, 77 sketching solutions, 81
Phase plane, 156 metaphor of the parking lot, 175 Phase portrait , 156 Phase shift , 401, 425 Phase space three-dimensional , 356 Phasor, 408 Pitchfork bifurcation , 693 Poincare return map , 533 fixed point , 536 Lorenz equations, 712 Poincare, Henri, 214, 534, 543 Poles of Laplace transform , 614, 624 Population models carrying capacity, 9 10 competing species, 179, 225, 453 , 472 cooperative species, 225, 483 delayed logistic , 718 exponential growth , 4, 148, 670 growth -rate coefficient, 4 harvesting , 104, 146 logistic equation , See Logistic equation and Logistic difference equation . modified logistic, 89 predator-prey, See Predator-prey system, modified, 157 state populations, 148 three species, 525 U.S. population , 7 Volterra -Lotka, 482 Power series methods, 736 Predator-prey system, 11- 13, 152- 158 modified, 157 pesticides, 167 Runge Kutta method , 658 three species, 525 methods, 6, 13, 62 systems, 164, 181
Radioactive decay, 16 Ramp function , 579 RC circuit, 44, 61, 568, 577
constant input voltage, 45 on-off input voltage, 46 periodic input voltage, 47 zero input voltage, 45 Red Sox, 299 , 1919- 2003 Renormalization , 699 Resonance, 415 Millennium Bridge, 417 Restoring force , 159 Return map , See Poincare return map . Riccati equation , 731 Riemann sums, 642 RLC circuit , 375, 391, 447 Robo-lobster, 513 Rock and Roll , See Paul . Rope, 77 Round -off error, See Finite arithmetic . Rubber band, 229, 448 Runge Kutta method , 649 658 Mathematica program , 655 C program , 656 definition , 650 error, 653 finite arithmetic , 660 order, 653 step size, 653 systems, 657 TI calculator program , 654 Saddle, 274 , 277, 362 connection, 487 nonlinear , 463 separatrix, 287, 463 Saddle node bifurcation , See Tangent . Salvadori, Mario, 208, 433 Saving model, 28 Sawtooth function , 581 Second-order differential equation , 161 forced, 383 Hermite equation , 739 homogeneous, 383 Legendre equation , 743 linear, 325 nonhomogeneous, 383 power series, 739
Index Second-order numerical methods, 646 Seed, 673 Sensitive dependence on initial conditions, 703, 706 Separable equations, 23- 28 missing solutions, 27 Separation of variables, 20- 32 Separatrix, 287, 463 stable, 463 unstable , 463 Shock absorbers, 339 active, 231, 426 truck seats, 231 washing machines, 426 Simple harmonic motion , 331 Simpson's rule, 650 Singular matrix , 242 Sink first -order equation
, 86 linear systems, 279, 362 nonlinear , 463 spiral, 299, 463 Sinusoidal forcing, 397, 413, 421 , 589 Skyscraper P-Delta effect, 207 swaying , 206 tuned -mass damper, 509 Slope fields, 36-43 sketching , 37 special cases autonomous equations, 40 dy/dt = fit) , 39- 40 Smale, Stephen, 63 Sock absorbers, See washing machines. Solution , 6- 7. 20 asymptotic , 82 checking, 21 , 188 domain of definition , 66, 82 existence and uniqueness, 65 general, 7, 23, 190 implicit , 28 initial -value problem , 7, 22- 23 , 162, 188 linearly independent, 355 missing , 27 periodic, 154. 299 separatrix, 287 system , 13, 154
curve, 155
Source first -order equation
, 86 linear systems, 283, 362 nonlinear , 463 spiral, 299, 463 Speed bumps , 421 Spiral saddle, 360 Spiral sink , 299, 463 Spiral source, 299, 463 Spring constant, 160 Springs, 160, See Harmonic oscillator. hard , 552 soft, 552 Square wave , 581 Stable equilibrium point , 86, 285 Stable separatrix, 463 Steady-state response, 387 Steady-state solution , 120 Step function , See Heaviside function . Step size, 54 Straight line solutions, 267 Superposition, Principle of . See Linearity Principle . Suspension bridge , 417 , 433 , 448 Lazer-McKenna light flexible long span, 441 Suspension system model, 339 Systems, 152 autonomous , 181 checking solutions, 188 coupled, 12 decoupled, 189 dimension , 240 direction field, 173 Euler's method , 198 Existence and Uniqueness Theorem, 205 first -order, 12 general solution , 190 linear, 237 Metaphor of the parking lot, 175 nullcline , 472 phase plane , 156 phase portrait , 156 Runge Kutta method , 657 three-dimensional, 354- 365 vector field, 171
Tacoma Narrows Bridge, 433- 440, 448 Tangent bifurcation , 692 Taylor polynomial , 459 power series methods, 736 Taylor's Theorem, 457, 631, 641 Template Lorenz, 711 Tent function , 716 Time-series, 676 Trace, 342 Trace-determinant plane, 342 critical loci, 347 Trapezoid rule, 642. 650 Trolley cars, 95 Truck seats, 231 Tuned-mass damper, 509 H- substitution
, 26 , 724
Undamped harmonic oscillator, 330 Underdamped harmonic oscillator, 331 Undetermined coefficients, method of , 118, 388
Unforced equation, 383 Uniqueness Theorem first -order equations applications, 70- 73 systems, 205 Unstable equilibrium point , 285, 299 Unstable separatrix, 463 Van
der Pol equation , 201 , 452
Vector field, 171, 173 Volterra , V , 13 Volterra Washing
-Lotka system. 482 machines, 426
Weather , 214, 539 Web diagram , 683 WEEI , 299 World Series, 2004 Wronskian , 258 Wytham Woods , 18
Xia, Zhihong , 495

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