Mortal Kombat The Journey Begins Dublado 1976 Olympics 5,4/10 7777 reviews

The History Of Mortal Kombat - Episode 02 - Nothing Can Prepare You for This (Remastered) by Mortal Kombat Secrets - MKSecrets.Net. The History Of Mortal Kombat - Episode 03 - There is no Knowledge that is not Power (Remastered) by Mortal Kombat Secrets - MKSecrets.Net.

Author has written 2 stories for Mortal Kombat, and Aliens/Predator.


OK, let’s see - what to say about me to the good readers of ff before they get bored and move on.
I was born in 1976 (makes me old, I know), I’ve been working out since I was 15, though a lot less now than the endorphin-addiction days of the past (ie, 2001). I like intelligent action movies and shows ie, Mortal Kombat, The Matrix (its idiotic sequels don’t count), Blade (ditto), Demolition Man, Aliens, Alien Resurrection, Predator, Predator 2 etc, and the four best TV shows of all time, those being Buffy (before it became stupid), Angel (ditto), the short-lived Fastlane (RIP) and Smallville.

Black Knights’ Tango3 Possible continuations The Black Knights’ Tango (also known as the Mexican Defense or Kevitz–Trajkovic. After having some of my Turn-Based and Live Chess games analyzed by the computer, it turns out that I play a great many Mexican Defense games as Black, and I usually do well in them. Black knights tango pdf free Black knights tango pdf Black knights tango pdf Black knights tango pdf DOWNLOAD! DIRECT DOWNLOAD! Black knights tango pdf The Black Knights Tango also known as the Mexican Defense or KevitzTrajkovic Defense is a chess opening beginning with the moves: 1. The Black Knights Tango: Outwit Your Opponents from Move 2! Georgi Orlov on Amazon. The Black Knights' Tango is an offbeat, but playable response to the Queen's Pawn Opening. I was inspired to prepare this based on some of Fabiano Caruana's games in the PRO Chess League.

I'm into martial arts, particularly kickboxing. I like martial arts on film and TV, as well as written stories, especially ninjas, as they're supposed to be mysterious and dangerous, to the point where just seeing one by a common layperson is a big deal. Unfortunately, most ninjas aren't done well in fiction, which is a shame. The only 3 exceptions I can think of was Kiodai Ken, Batman's nemesis from the Batman Animated Adventures, Sub-zero from The Coming of Winter (fanfiction written by Victar, more on that later), and without blowing my own horn, a certain character in my 6th story. You'll see who if you read that far ahead.

In regard to video games, there are only 8 in existence, as far as I’m concerned. I started with Mortal Kombat 1 in 1995, so I love MK1, MK2, MK3 and MK4. I like watching MKM, but I find it too difficult to play by myself. And I think it’s great that the MK title is reclaiming some of the previous glory that it lost with traumas like MKSF and MKA, as MKDA and MK Deception are proving to be incredibly popular. But for now, I’m just not patient enough to sit down and practice playing those new generation games till I’m good at them. I played MK1/2/3 for hours before I was able to beat their great underbosses, but I simply don’t have the desire to best the newest game engines out there.
The other genre of games that I like besides fighting games are first person shooters. I started with Doom, which originally blew me away with its graphics (just like the 16-bith MK1), from then, moved on to Quake, then Quake 2 (but only on the Playstation 1 as the PC version is just too big for its own good), and finally with Turok Evolution for the PS2. Just as with fighting games, I realize there are newest FPS’s out there ala Halo and Halflife, but Yours Truly just never got into them.
And as a sidenote, a very talented young man had once put together a beautiful MK-Doom conversion kit, one where the weapons, monsters and some of the backgrounds to Doom 1 were converted to the MK game, whereas the story is that Shao Kahn had invaded the Earth and created clones of his enemies as well as friends to populate his army. The player is one of the few Earth survivors who (instead of the giant spider). I own this game, and treasure it. And to anyone out there who still believes that MK1 and Doom 1 were breathtaking graphics at one time, I like to mention that if you’d want a copy of this game, please email me and we’ll see if I can send you a copy on CD, for only the shipping cost, of course. Not looking to cash in here, only want to increase the number of people who’ll enjoy this great game.

As far as my pet peeves go, that idiot Paul Anderson is at the top of the list when it comes to artists. I wanted to like this guy’s work, I really did, considering how great a job he did with the first MK movie, but he only massacred every film he ever wrote or directed afterwards. Worst part is that he keeps giving interviews and insists that he’s a fan of these games, when he clearly isn’t! A supposed Resident Evil fan who writes about his stupid protagonist and Nemesis being friends! A supposed Predator fan who writes about a predator and some human toothpick becoming allies! This guy clearly had a fluke of a success with MK1, and then decided to make that his genre and keeps making films without even playing the games, and unfortunately companies keep putting him in charge of expensive movies. That’s a disgrace. Paul, read my lips - STOP MAKING VIDEO GAME MOVIES!

But in regards to my more serious pet peeves, no one pisses me off more than everyone’s best friend and ultimate humanitarian, George W. 'the cancer' Bush, who proved that Americans overall are the stupidest population on the face of the planet since they actually voted this retard in as the most powerful person in the world in 2004. Here is a man who gets up from bed in the morning, kisses his wife, has breakfast, maybe does a quarter of a mile on a stationary bike before showering, and then goes to work for the next eight hours by creating wars, toppling democracies and setting up dictatorships in their stead, and funding militaries who enforce sweatshops in foreign countries, all in the name of greed and profit. It’s odd that he’s able to pull the wool over so many people’s eyes by pretending to fight a war against terrorism, considering he sees the world’s biggest terrorist every time he looks in a mirror. And like all conniving criminals, he donates a small percentage of his blood money to charities and good causes, thus making himself look like a humanitarian in front of the cameras. But as long as enough American idiots are distracted with sports or celebrity gossip, then he’ll be able to run his giant network of legal criminals to legally screw over people in the US, and illegal criminals to screw over people on every other continent.

Which brings me by to the period of time in my life when I wrote these stories. These stories were not, I repeat, NOT written by me now. Instead, they were written back in 1995 after I saw the first MK movie and its follow-up cartoon on tape, entitled MK : The Journey Begins. As a naïve 19-year old, I thought that the world could somehow be made 'right' if one worked at it hard enough, and if one was strong enough to face the challenge. That’s what Goro (the ultimate badass, from either the movie or the games) holds for me - the personification of a seemingly unbeatable challenge, one that requires someone to always work harder, always strive to be better, if one is to have a hope of defeating it.
But in the many years since then, I’ve learned that there’s no fixing this world, as it’s too corrupt to be done right in anyone’s lifetime. The only thing we humans CAN do, however, and also what we SHOULD do, is try to lessen the pain of our fellow creatures in some way or another before we expire. This can be done in many ways - working at a job that directly or indirectly helps people or animals (ie, not the private sector that only serves the rich for profit, but the public sector that tries to serve everyone), or by volunteering time or money to charities, or by rescuing animals who would otherwise by killed or homeless, or even by simply asking someone if they need a person to talk to and then listening to them instead of just waiting for one’s turn to talk. It’s this act of lessening others’ pain in a usually cold and harsh world that gives us a higher purpose as human beings, as without that act, all we’d be are creatures who are in a meaningless life and who are slowly waiting to die without any reason to stay alive in the first place.

So I suppose my best advice and piece of wisdom to anyone who cares to listen is that one should do whatever it takes, short of illegally harming others, of course, to see that one doesn’t have regrets later on in life. You don’t want to have any 'what if's in your life, and you don’t want to wake up when you’re middle-aged and realize that your life has been wasted. Find out what would make you happy and give you pride (which is a difficult task), and then work to make it happen (which is an even more difficult task). But nothing else in the world is worth achieving.
Now, finally, with regards to these stories, as stated, they’re based on the first MK movie and MK:TJB. Every MK character who’s not in either of those two works is taken from the games instead. The first story is a prequel to the movie while from number 2 and on are sequels to it, usually from the POV of Sonya Blade. In reading them again after so many years, I found the grammar to be painful, to be honest, but I figured it’d be a good idea to put them up anyway because, despite its problems, I think the dialogue, fight scenes and overall plot are still worth sharing with others. And I’d prefer it if a work of art that was such a huge part of my life back when I was 19, which helped make me who I am now, was online to be enjoyed by anyone who wished to read it. But like I said, just don’t mind the bad grammar and pay attention to the dialogue, fights and story instead, please :-D Of course, reviews, whether positive or negative, would be welcome, as long as you enjoyed reading these.

Lastly, I’d like to point out two other others whose work I’ve had the privilege of reading in my life. The first is a Resident Evil writer, though she’s also an MK fan second. She goes by the name of Shakahnna here at and her story is called Resident Evil Damnation. At first I read this story because she stated that some MK characters make guest appearances in it, which is true, particularly Noob Saibot and Shang Tsung (shapeshifting as Goro in an incredibly well-written scene). But while the MK parts are in the minority, I don’t mind telling you that I’m addicted to this story, as simply put, it’s the best story ever written anyway, fanfiction or professional., period. This author is the reason I went out and rented RE:CVX for the Playstation 2, just so I’d know what her obsession with Albert Wesker was, and I haven’t regretted it. I always look forward to having her update and make sure to print out and read every chapter that’s new in her story as soon as I can get my hands on a printer.

The second author whose stories I recommend reading is someone who goes by the pen-name of Victar, whose net address is at http:///sglkht/. Victar’s no longer writing, but he has many stories that he had written several years ago, starting with MK stories, then moving on to MK-Tekken crossovers, and then finally Tekken stories alone. His work is second only to Shakahnna’s, IMO, in grammar, dialogue, plot. Only minor problem I had was that his later stories tended to have a wet blanket of an ending, but besides that, his work comes very recommended also. Besides, two simple words will mandate that one reads his stuff - Kazuya Mishima. Enough said there.

So if you’ve read this far, then thanx for not getting bored. And without further interruptions, please enjoy the stories.